


Below is the requirement for them
Teacher Competencies & Indicators
1.The teacher accurately demonstrates knowledge of the content area and approved curriculum.
a.Utilizes and enhances approved curriculum.
b.Gives clear explanations relating to lesson content and procedure.
c.Communicates accurately in the content area.
d.Shows interrelatedness of one content area to another.
2.Teacher appropriately utilizes a variety of teaching methods and resources for each area taught
a.Provides opportunities for students to work independently, in small groups and in large groups, as appropriate.
b. Uses a variety of methods such as demonstrations, lectures, student- initiated work, group work, questioning, independent practice, etc as appropriate.
c.Uses a variety of resources such as field trips, supplemental printed materials, manipulatives, etc. as appropriate.
d.Provides opportunities for students to apply, practice, and demonstrate knowledge and skill learned through various modalities
3.The teacher communicates with and obtains feedback from students in a manner that enhances student learning and understanding.
a.Explains and/or demonstrates the relevance of topics and activities.
b.Communicates to students the instructional intent, directions or plan at the appropriate time.
c.Establishes and states expectations for student performance
d.Clarifies actions, directions, and explanations when students do not understand.
e.Actively solicits communication from students about their learning Communicates regularly with students about their progress.
4.The teacher comprehends the principles of student growth, development and learning, and applies them appropriately.
a.Uses and instructs students in the use of cognitive thinking skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, divergent thinking, inquiry, decision-making, etc.
b.Uses teaching techniques which address student learning levels, rates, and styles Uses materials and media which address student learning levels, rates, and styles.
c.Uses resources such as community service agencies, school personnel, parents, etc., to meet students' learning levels, rates and styles
5.The teacher effectively utilizes student assessment techniques and procedures.
a.Uses a variety of assessment tools and strategies, as appropriate.
b.Uses information gained from ongoing assessment for remediation and instructional planning.
c.Maintains documentation of student progress
d.Communicates student progress with students and families in a timely manner
6.The teacher manages the educational setting in a manner that promotes positive student behavior and a safe and healthy environment.
a.Serves as a model for constructive behavior patterns.
b.Executes routine tasks effectively and efficiently.
c.Establishes and states expectations for student behavior
d.Handles transitions effectively
e.Has materials and media ready to use
f.Minimizes distractions and interruptions
g.Manages student behavior effectively and appropriately
h.Identifies hazards, assesses risks and takes appropriate action
7.The teacher recognizes student diversity and creates an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of positive student involvement and self-concept
a.Demonstrates sensitivity and responsiveness to the persona] ideas, needs, interests and feelings of students
b.Acknowledges student performance and achievement Acknowledges that every student can learn
c.Provides opportunities for each student to succeed
d.Provides students with opportunities for active involvement and creativity
e.Provides opportunities for students to be responsible for their own behavior and learning
f.Promotes positive student/teacher relationships
g.Encourages high student expectations
h.Demonstrates an awareness and respect for each student's background, experience, and culture
8.The teacher demonstrates a willingness to examine and implement change, a appropriate
a.Seeks out information on methodology, research, and current trends in education to enhance an improve the quality of learning
b.Implements a variety of strategies to enhance learning
c.Recognizes that change entails risks and modifications may be needed
9.The teacher works productively with colleagues, parents and community members
a.Collaborates with colleagues
b.Communicates with parents on a regular basis
c.Uses conflict resolving strategies when necessary
d.Involves parents and community in their learning environment
e.Communicates in a professional manner with colleagues, parents and community members regarding educational matters

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